M-Term: Interning for Council Member Abbie Kamin - Thursday - “All Politics are Local Politics”

 Thursday- “All Politics are Local Politics” 

    Today is my last day of the internship, which is definitely bitter-sweet. I started the day with working of the letter of support spreadsheet that I worked on yesterday, I did not format it correctly, so I spent the first part of the morning working on that. I then re-took my notes from yesterday’s council. My original notes were way too messy, so I retook them onto a legal pad for whoever needed them. I then worked on writing a biography paragraph for CM Kamin because Aliyah asked me to. The last bio was severely outdated, so I tried to write a more up to date one. I used previous bios and the annual reports to write about all her successes. After that, everyone took me out to lunch, which was so sweet of them. We went to Shake Shack, which was my first time going there. We had conversation about local politics where Kate said “all politics are local politics”, and that felt like a fitting title for the last blog. After lunch we walked back to the office where we saw a broken pedestrian crossing sign, so I filed a 311 report to fix it! After that I moved all the letters of support to a one drive folder and shared everyone on it. I was then sent home because there was only an hour left of the day and I had nothing else to do. This internship was truly amazing. I learned so much about local politics and what my role could be in it when I am older. I also want to thank the entire staff, they were so kind, and helpful, and it was truly the best outcome I could have thought of. It is so important to pay attention to local politics, since everything in government and politics revolves around it. Local government is definitely underrated in every sense, they do more than I ever expected, and we all have local government to thank for our wonderful city. 

The broken pedestrian crossing sign



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